Welcome to St. Anthony!
We hope you’ll join us in worship and make yourself at home.
If you are attending your first Mass, please let us know. The greeters will be happy to show you a worship guide.
There are some activities that you may not be familiar with at your own church. Please participate as you feel able.
- Before Mass begins, we extend a greeting to those around us. And if you have a special intention to pray for, please share it with a person. They will hold that intention in their heart during Mass and will pray for you.
- We return to the Lord what God has given us. In ancient times, it may have been animals, or crops. Usually now, it is money. Here, the community walks their gifts to the altar.
- We invite guests and first timers to stand at the end of the service to be recognized and let us know their hometown. Make sure to find one of our greeters. They will welcome you and give you any next steps.
Ready for more? We are glad! Here is what you can do:
- Get involved in one of our many ministries
- Connect with others on social media
- Ask for parish tour